By The Law Offices of Barton Pokras on Sunday, 28 July 2013
Category: General

Determining Alimony or Spousal Support in Divorce

Spousal support is an integral part of the divorce settlement. As a rule of thumb, the courts’ approach to alimony is straightforward: What is the need of the party seeking support and does it match up with the other party’s ability to pay? Ventura County courts look at a variety of factors in determining alimony payments and the term of spousal support. These factors include:

Temporary Spousal Support One party may request temporary support while the overall divorce process occurs. Temporary support helps both spouses avoid economic hardship during the settlement process. The amount of support is generated using court approved programs. Even though it is not a long-term agreement, it can be a contested issue. This is one reason you should turn to an experienced attorney, who can help you understand what the law details. How Long Does Alimony Last? The amount of spousal support is dependent upon factors during the marriage as well as prior to the marriage. Similarly, the length of time of support is not a one-size-fits-all number. With a long-term marriage, spousal support obligations may continue until retirement; but the length of marriage is just one factor. It is actually possible to modify ongoing support to change the amount or duration. My Approach to Support – Efficient Resolution vs. Litigation At the Law Office of Barton Pokras, we represent men and women who are either seeking alimony payments in a divorce or who wish to contest the issuance of an order of spousal support. Spousal support (alimony) is generally appropriate when a dependent spouse does not have the ability to support herself or himself. At the same time, the dependent spouse may be expected to seek necessary education and training to become self-supporting. During his 20 years of legal experience,  Attorney Pokras has seen both sides of the situation and he can help negotiate a plan that works for everyone. Negotiations can fail — often because one party’s emotions affect the outcome or even because the other party’s overly aggressive attorney may be more interested in fighting a war via costly litigation than coming to a reasonable and fair agreement. Learn About Spousal Support Options – Contact a Family Law Attorney Spousal Support can be a temporary, long term, or almost unending financial arrangement. Many factors can influence the amounts and terms. That’s why it’s important to schedule a free, confidential consultation at our Ventura or Westlake Village office — simply call 805-477-0505.


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